Thursday, September 30, 2010

Steampunk Thursday #9: Dr. Grordbort's Rayguns

Amy is talking about Dr. Grordbort's fabulous and fantastical creations over at geek with curves for Steampunk Thursday!

Weta and steampunk? A match truly made in heaven...

Last week is our final Steampunk Thursday, so don't miss out!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Zombie Buddy System

The buddy system; a sacred and - if The Simpsons has taught us anything - utterly failproof tradition. It's been the secret behind everything from crossing the road as a kid at school to travelling across the continent in large groups.

What better scenario to apply it to than the zombie apocalypse? As Zombieland taught us, Rule #29 is Rule #29 for a reason!

One of my co-workers was lamenting the company-wide lack of preparedness for the rise of the undead the other evening. Calls for our managers to allow us to stockpile food and weapons in the basement and add a section to the employee handbook have sadly gone unheeded.

However, it seems that the buddy system has successfully been established across several floors, so I took the liberty of preparing an induction for new employees.

Welcome to [Company of Awesome]. Within your first week of employment, you will be introduced to your designated zombie buddy. This person will be selected based on a range of criteria and graded according to their optimum compatibility with you. Please take the opportunity to attend the training and team building sessions as regularly as you can - ideally you will build a good relationship with your zombie buddy as you may need to survive together in cramped conditions for a long time.

In Case of Zombie Emergency:
1. Leave your work area and find your zombie buddy immediately. Do not return for any of your possessions (unless you keep a weapon in your drawer). Do not attempt to help anyone other than your zombie buddy - if they are unprepared for the apocalypse, they will most likely die in the first few hours anyway.

2. Proceed to the prearranged safe space. If your workplace does not have a designated space, proceed to the most defensible location and grab any available weapons along the way.

3. Should this location be breached, it is best to adopt a back-to-back fighting position with your zombie buddy, unless one of you is wielding a double headed axe.

4. The fundamental basis of the zombie buddy bond is the agreement that you will look out for each other no matter what and - most importantly - that if one of you gets infected, the other will do the necessary.

5. No matter what movies may tell you; fighting zombies in revealing clothing is NOT COMFORTABLE. [Company of Awesome] respects your right to wear clothing of your choice (within reason) to work, but does request that you wear sensible footwear at all times in case of precisely this kind of emergency.

Should societal and economic structure survive in the aftermath of a zombie attack, your family/significant other(s) will be compensated in the event of your death. For more information, please apply to HR for the Zombies Ate My Loved One, What Now? leaflet.

Empire Strikes Back Poster

I was certainly appreciating my job in its own right already, but the awesome perks are starting to roll in... I won this signed limited edition 30th anniversary Empire Strikes Back poster by Joe Corroney at a pub quiz we had the other night and frak me, it's worth $40!!!

Isn't it gorgeous? I can wake every morning to see Darth Vader reaching out for me... *happy sigh*

Now if only I could currently afford a frame to put it in!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Popcorn Bowl

Here's a hit and run sum up of this weeks movie news, so you don't have to trawl dozens of news feeds all reporting the same thing!

Zack Snyder made a kids movie about owls
I know what you're thinking, and yes this is the guy that made 300 and Watchmen... Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole opened this week in American theatres and has been met with mixed reviews. A definite change of pace for Snyder, Legend of the Guardians is based on a series of children's books and has been criticised by some as being too scary for many children. Screenrant gives it an average review, but does highlight the beautiful visual style of the film - no surprise coming from Snyder, whose latest project Sucker Punch looks to be another highly stylised production. discuss the 3D aspect of the film with him.

Superman reboot searches for a director
Several sources this week have reported that Christopher Nolan is talks with a shortlist of 5 directors for the reboot of the Superman franchise that was announced earlier this year. Making the hotlist are Duncan Jones (Moon), Tony Scott (Top Gun, True Romance), Zack Snyder (keeping himself in the news!), Jonathan Liebesman (Clash of the Titans 2, just announced) and Matt Reeves (Cloverfield, Let Me In).

Images from the Captain America set in Manchester
Photos have emerged of Chris Evans and Hayley Atwell on the Captain America set in Manchester. There is also a short clip of a car explosion. Captain America: The First Avenger is scheduled for release on July 22nd 2011. Oh, and hai Natalie Dormer! Where have you been since The Tudors??

Last two years of Joaquin Phoenix's life a hoax
Casey Affleck has spent the past year documenting Joaquin Phoenix's spiralling breakdown after his decision to quit acting and pursue a rap career. Except... he hasn't. Affleck and Phoenix are going to have a lot of trouble digging themselves out of this one. They've also shot their profits in the foot by admitting it right before the movie released in theatres.

New Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 Trailer
A new trailer came out on Wednesday - which you already know unless you've been living under a rock!

Chloe Moretz (aka HitGirl) cast as Emily the Strange
Not much in the way of detail yet, but the movie has apparently been confirmed.

Pixar announces first female director
Brenda Chapman will be at the helm for Brave - the story of a princess determined to become an archer. Sounds like a bit of a departure to the ordinary for Pixar, but at this stage in story development it's hardly fair to pass judgement. Chapman has a massively impressive Disney resume - Beauty and the Beast and The Lion King to name but a few. Brave is slated for a June 2012 release.

Hobbit Casting Call Spotted
Despite no official word that the MGM fiasco has been resolved, there have been rumblings from Middle Earth of late - first Sir McKellen claimed that shooting would get underway in January, then this preliminary casting call was spotted in a Wellington newspaper. I'm erring on the side of scepticism at the moment, but be warned, there will be SERIOUS squee in this corner of the interwebs once production gets underway.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Why I'm excited about... Super 8!

Since it's now officially part of my job to know what the frak is going on in the movie world, I spend a pleasant slice of my work day reading movie blogs. I've always been pretty good at keeping up with them in my spare time, but being so immersed in the current news has reminded me how completely stoked I am about several movie projects in production right now! This week's squee; Super 8!

But you HATE J.J Abrams!!!?
Rumours of my rage have been greatly exaggerated!! However, I've never quite seen eye to eye with J.J Abrams... BUT - I have never dismissed any of his films out of hand. I really wanted to see Cloverfield... I was genuinely looking forward to Star Trek... Anyhow; I digress. While we've had our differences in the past, I appreciate that the man has some fantastic ideas, and when I saw the other names attached to this project, well, I was pretty much sold in 2 words; Steven frakking Spielberg!!!

It's all down to the math...
There are a lot of equations that are vital to making a movie successful and enjoyable - a high percentage of them involve stressed accountants peering at spreadsheets - but the one that is guaranteed to = win no matter what else you throw in the mix is Steven Spielberg + aliens. I don't need to rattle on about E.T and Close Encounters... this guy knows his extraterrestrial shizzle and that's that. Spielberg's name gets slapped next to Executive Producer so much these days that one has to wonder exactly how involved he gets in the project - but I like to think that he won't be able to resist lending his awesomely spooky air to this one.

Aliens, you say?
So, what do we know about Super 8? Not a lot, is the short answer! Principal photography began earlier this week in West Virginia and Hitflix have a handy list of 10 things we currently know about Super 8. There is an official website, but it's typically cryptic at the moment.

However, there is a helpful and informative completely bitchin trailer!

The gist; Area 51, aliens, trains, AWESOME.

Steampunk Thursday #8: A Corset is a Lady's Best Friend

The corset.

Worn for centuries, reclaimed by fashion in recent years and recycled in almost every form imaginable. You can buy them on the high street, at markets and fairs, in specialist shops and in more online stores than I can shake a small top hat at.

I loved corsets long before I became interested in steampunk. I think they're beautiful, sexy, stylish, really supportive of my (bad) back and actually very comfortable to wear. I, like many others, have shopped far and wide in search of mine, but how many of us actually know exactly what we are/should be looking for?

When I popped my corset cherry, it was at a shop in Camden Lock and the sales assistant was really helpful in finding a style that I liked and fitting it correctly. I walked away with a silky black number and was very pleased with myself for a while. However, this corset only had plastic boning, and both failed to conform to my curves properly and was too long for me (my friends can tell you hilarious stories about rolling me into taxi cabs because I couldn't bend in half to sit down). I was soon to learn that this wasn't going to be a long term thing.

My second corset came from The Dark Angel and was a slight improvement, as I bought it based on my waist measurement and it was steel boned. It gave me the hourglass figure I was looking for, but still wasn't an absolutely perfect fit; I spilled out over the top in a way that was only likely to be beneficial if I was planning on charging by the hour.

At this point I realised that a tailored corset was something I was going to need to invest in.

Overbust Corset:
An overbust corset is the most common type, and extends from just under the arms to over the hips. Miss Emilly Ladybird gives sound (and professional) advice on buying a full (or overbust) corset;

When corsets were worn regularly, every lady had their favourite manufacturer, much as we do with bras today. But modern corset manufacture has become a bit of a minefield, with many cheap, badly patterned "corsets" being sold fairly cheaply on the internet and at conventions, these are bulk manufactured to "standard" sizes and to be avoided.

A corset is underwear, it is designed to change your figure shape, and every single persons figure is different. Standard sizes rarely fit anyone properly and a badly fitting corset will make you ache, a lot, and may damage your ribs.

Save up and get one made by a really, really good corsetiere whose corsets make you gasp with joy, and whose clients have similar bodyshapes to your own. Make sure it is steel boned and ensure they have a selection of corset shapes and designs to choose from, don't be wowed by surface decoration or pretty fabric, it's the shape and support that counts. A corset should enhance your figure, not just be a pretty corset.

Never ever buy a corset just by "waist" measurement. It won't fit on the hips or bust, spilling out top and bottom "muffin top" style looks terrible. Your corsetiere should ask you for plenty of measurements and insist on a fitting if they haven't made you one before.

Ooh and do note "made to measure" is not the same as bespoke. Getting a corset that has been made to your own body shape (ie bespoke,) is a far better option than having one made from a random set of measurements (made to measure)

If a fitting in person isn't possible, then they should send you a calico toile (mock up) of the corset - completely boned so you can try it on and mark any alterations. Purchasing a corset should be an experience, an enjoyable luxury not a last minute cheap grab.

If you really, really must buy an off the peg corset, then go for an underbust waspie style, worn with a very well fitting bra.

Underbust Corset:
An underbust corset begins just under the breasts and goes over the hips. Importantly; this type of corset still needs to fit you properly!!!

Waspie Corset:
A waspie (or waist cincher) is the only type of corset that you can safely buy just about anywhere without too many particulars. It is still important to try it on - a waspie needs to conform to your waist measurements and be comfortable to wear. I would always recommend trying it on - you can easily slip it on over whatever you're wearing and staff are generally really helpful, informative and eerily good at taking one look at you and knowing what size you are! If it's a really big store and there aren't a lot of staff; bring a friend/family member/significant other who knows how to lace you in (pretty much a vital element of corset ownership).

I feel the same way about corsets as I do about shoes; if you're in pain then you're damaging your body. Wear it around the shop for at least 10 or 15 minutes; if anything hurts, don't buy it. Feel good, look good, have fun!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Christina Hendricks exists below the bust line!

I want to qualify this by saying that I have not watched Mad Men and have only seen Christina Hendricks in Firefly - in which I thought she was great - but never the less; my opinion in this case is qualified by nothing other than the fact that I am a woman. Which I think is quite enough.

My problem with Christina Hendricks? Absolutely nothing. As I said; I know little about her. I am aware of Mad Men mainly as a nagging feeling that it's a really good show that I should probably get around to watching sooner or later.

The world's problem with Christina Hendricks? Where to start... An article by the BBC supposedly praising Hendricks' figure as 'ideal' sparked my irritation.

Having initially praised her curves as something every woman should aspire to, and her current role on Mad Men as a fantastic celebration of a more 'normal' figure on television, the article then goes on the cite what I presume it considers an expert.

This woman not only claims that no one should aspire to look like Hendricks, as keeping a size 14 (what they allege her size to be - I really can't say) figure requires a carefully monitored diet and exercise. She also makes the most ludicrous claim I have ever heard;

"Usually in the real world, the bigger breast goes along with a bigger tummy, wider waist or protruding abdomen."

My apologies; I and many of my friends must be living in an alternate fantasy universe then. None of us diet or do a drastic amount in the way of exercise, many have a naturally larger bust and are rocking a size 12 or 14. Believe me, it's through no effort on our part - we're just busy being normal. The gods know I love my cake!

I resent not only the implication that there is such a thing as an ideal figure, but the suggestion that this new 'ideal' is still unattainable to women! I certainly don't know Christina Hendricks, but I doubt she would appreciate being used to tell women that they can't be beautiful! ALL SIZES AND SHAPES ARE BEAUTIFUL!

My main problem though? Christina Hendricks' breasts. They're big, they're fabulous; they're all anyone can talk about.

Poor woman; many of the images of her that I've seen have been photoshopped - her figure is all people can seem to talk about when they write about her role on Mad Men. As I say; I haven't seen her act much but I'll go out on a limb and presume that she's more memorable than her breasts!

Maybe I'm taking it overly personally - largely because I've spent my adult life trying to get people to talk to my face and not my chest (really folks; they just can't hear you! Not a superpower of mine...). I'm hardly the first to bray that no woman should be regarded solely by her appearance, but the juxtaposition of the praise for Hendricks' representation of a strong, career minded woman in the 60's and the inability to focus on anything other than her cup size quite frankly pisses me off.

Above picture included to illustrate the fact that her body does indeed continue below her breasts - not something that 99% of pictures of her would make you aware of!

Steampunk Thursday #7: Steampunk on a Budget

It's Steampunk Thursday again and Amy's got a great post over at geek with curves about costuming on a budget! Get over there and check it out!

"It's easy to let your costuming costs balloon out of control. You see a must-have replica prop or a really lush fabric, and before you know it, you spent more on your costume than your prom dress (hey, back in my day, prom dresses were expensive). You can control it though, and it is absolutely possible to create a suitable costume on a budget. With steampunk, it's definitely possible to scavenge your costume or use a few shortcuts to save money."

Monday, September 13, 2010

Talk Like A Pirate Day

In every geek's brain, about 2cm to the left of the part dedicated to being on the alert for zombies is a small zone that is attuned to September 19th. Since its inception in 1996, Talk Like A Pirate Day has brought joy to millions of buccaneers and wenches alike.

Never one to be unprepared, I believe in getting a 5 day headstart on my Talk Like A Pirate Day plans! Tragically TLAPD is not an office day this year, but it does mean that we're all much freer to attend piratical events!

I've celebrated TLAPD with gusto since I discovered it in secondary school. Sometimes there have been costumes. Sometimes just the opportunity to utterly baffle my coworkers and devote countless time to sending emails with many, many more apostrophes than necessary.

Of course, no geek holiday would be complete without a splash of the alternative and the creative. Howard Hardiman (the author of the adorable and inimitable Badger) let me know about Sign Like A Pirate Day back in May. It's a fantastic event that not only raises awareness, but also teaches children some sign language and sounds like a hell of a lot of fun!

Londoners have gotten the right idea; dress as a pirate and come party at a nightclub. On a boat. Oh yes.

The internet is awash with advice on how to conduct oneself appropriately on this most auspicious of days.

How to talk like a pirate in English, German and Dutch!

Wooing wenches; it's what we're all really thinking about.

For later in the evening, when you've had a bit of grog, a handy mix and match guide to pirate insults!

It is a bit late for costume shopping, but if you're looking for inspiration, I would start with Dress Like A Pirate!

Remember to enjoy your grog and your wenches responsibly (and when a lass says no, she means it!) and don't forget to double up on your adjectives and drop your 'g's!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Art of Drew Struzan

If Drew Struzan's name doesn't immediately ring a bell with you - and it certainly didn't with me at first - don't panic. You may not know who he is but you definitely know what he does.

Struzan's photo-real portraiture has been adorning theatre walls since the 1980's. With movie poster designs for Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter and Back to the Future under his belt, it is hardly a wonder that Struzan's iconic style is immediately recognisable.

Thankfully, someone recognised that his work needed some considerable celebration and The Art of Drew Struzan is being published this September.

Collecting the original commission sketches in addition to multiple versions of the finished posters, The Art of Drew Struzan is a visually stunning walkthrough Drew's remarkable career.

Struzan's sense of humour pervades throughout - with an amusing backstory to go with his work on each movie.

I just couldn't stop reading this book. It's a gorgeous coffee table hardback and you'll find yourself flipping through pages again and again. I thought I was just going to skim through some of the artwork, but I found myself compulsively reading.

As the book goes on, a saddening trend becomes apparent. Studios commission Struzan to do a comp poster, then ultimately go with something Photoshopped and completely minimalistic. His proposed Pan's Labyrinth poster was particularly powerful. Yet even his Back to the Future ideas were fun, quirky and ultimately unused. If anything, this book is the story of Hollywood's inability to keep up with one man's imagination.

It also has the distinction of being the only book I have ever read with both an introduction and outroduction.

Memorabilia, Star Wars, art, cinema history; if any of the above do it for you then this is the book for you. Even if you don't buy it; definitely rock up to your local bookstore and leaf through it. Try not to scare the staff with your fangirl squeals though.

You can check out a video of Drew at this year's SDCC here. Information about the feature length documentary Drew: The Man Behind the Poster can be found here.

The Art of Drew Struzan is published by Titan Books on September 14th in the USA and September 24th in the UK. US folks can pre-order it on and UK folks on

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Steampunk Thursday #6: Miss Emilly Ladybird

I had the privilege of hearing Miss Emilly Ladybird speak on the Steampunk panel at MCM Expo earlier this year. Her friendly and open approach - not to mention incredible costume - was one of the final factors in pulling me head first into the world of steampunk!

Luckily for me, when I caught up with her later through the magic of the modern interwebs, Miss Ladybird was more than happy to interrupt her busy sewing schedule to answer a few of my questions!

How did you discover steampunk? What was it that attracted you to it?

Even as a child I always loved the Victorian sense of theatricality, Gothic novels, Gilbert and Sullivan and of course the clothing! But it was not till The Difference Engine was published that the whole world of politics, mechanisms and Victoriana meshed into a coherent whole for me. I have a passion for stories and I love the way steampunk has its base in histories of people and objects, both real and imagined - more so than any other subculture.

What, to your mind, characterises something as steampunk and how flexible do you think the steampunk look can be?

Oh, there are as many different steampunk "looks" as there are Steampunkers! I believe there is huge flexibility, so while it's fantastic that some people are taking a very historical perspective and almost recreating Victorian fashions exactly - wearing full length hand sewn crinoline ball gowns and morning coats - I also love the mad fantastical clothing that others favour like bloomers, brass breast plates and leather trench coats! It's a fantasy genre so there’s a lot of room for interpretation!

In my opinion, for something to be
steampunk it needs to combine a Victorian flavour with a quirky individualism. Iconic items of Victorian apparel are easy visual shortcuts - top hat, frock coat, corset etc. but they in themselves are not enough, even with the addition of goggles! There needs to be thought, a character, a story behind the outfit, an element of "real" clothing showing the personality and profession of the owner.

Perhaps it's harking back to the Victorian element of pride in ones appearance and grooming?

Can you tell me a little bit about your creative process when making a costume/piece of jewellery? What do you use for inspiration?

I love original art noveau designs, Alphonse Mucha and Lalique were a big influence on my early years as an artist, so I often browse pictures of actual vintage pieces for inspiration of shape or texture. As designing costume and jewellery is my day job I have acquired an encyclopedic knowledge of victorian fashion too, but again it's the stories that will start me off on a project. Maybe that comes from my training as a theatrical designer- where you are always working to a script, with characters. I'm also really inspired by my steampunk friends; we bounce ideas off each other and often collaborate on concepts.

I usually start with colour. I hate the idea that everything in steampunk has to be brown. I really love bright colours and often create a whole costume based around just a small piece of gorgeous vintage fabric that I've found.

For a costume I'll think about all the underwear, the shoes, the hat and wig as well as the main dress or skirt and blouse. For a jewellery piece I might think about sculpting a central focus or I might find a gorgeous gem or vintage piece I want to incorporate. Then from the initial doodling sketches, one design will usually emerge as the strongest, then I will start working from that to create the patterns or basic components, ready to construct the piece

What are your top 5 tips for someone looking to put together a steampunk costume for the first time?

First think about the character or persona you want to portray, even if it's just a larger than life version of yourself. Do you want to be smart, sexy, edgy, industrial? A scientist, an adventureress, a gentleman of leisure?

Second, look at real Victorian clothes or fantasy film costumes in the genre, and think about the individual pieces that make up the look. Write all the pieces down and see how many you already have and what you need to find. If you are going to make them yourself, investigate how the original was created and try doing it the same way.

Third, don't rush out and buy expensive, off the peg, bulk manufactured clothes just because they have
steampunk in the tag. Look for re-enactment style items made from natural fibres, wool, cotton, linen - seek out great quality and well made objects.

Fourth, think carefully about the key items you'll need to buy and keep your eyes open for good quality ones that will really add something to your outfit. For example save up and buy a bespoke from a historical corset maker that will fit and really enhance your figure, and you'll be able to use it in loads of different outfits. Add one key eyecatching "wow" thing to each outfit to make it look different; an unusual hat, a quirky cravat or brightly coloured parasol.

Fifth, collaborate! Don't know how to make a corset but love baking cake? Offer to swap time, hour for hour, with a friend who can do the thing you can't! If you can't solder, perhaps you could babysit? Go on workshops and have a go at making things yourself. It's so much fun and most steampunk people are very approachable and friendly.

Many people find the prospect of steampunk quite daunting as they are on a tight budget; how easy do you think it is to assemble a steampunk look on a small budget?

Very easy, you just need imagination and enthusiasm.

Thrift stores and charity shops often have great pieces which can be added too. A plain white shirt just needs a load of white lace to become a wonderful adventuresses blouse. A full skirt can be cut in half and sewn in ruches to create a fantastic bustle!

Cravats and gents vintage trousers often come up very reasonably on eBay,

And if you can sew, there are lots of great patterns for re-enactors of Victorian costume which can be adapted very easily to make your own styles -
Truly Victorian are great!

The eternal question; where CAN one get cogs?

Hee hee! Well you can either take old clocks and watches apart, which is time consuming but will give you a few nice gears and wheels in each clock. Or you can buy them already disassembled by weight from places like eBay and Etsy (this is the expensive way..)

Then you can also buy new parts in bulk from the manufacturers and repairers of clocks and watches - talk to watch-menders in your area to find local suppliers in your country.
Finally you can also purchase specially made useful sized gears created especially for the steampunk/jewellery market, my favourite supplier is
The Altered Element who have a huge range of different "cogs".

Last but not least; what would you say to anyone out there who is curious about steampunk but hesitant about jumping straight in?

Why not start by adding a few steampunk accessories to your everyday clothes? A pocket watch, perhaps some Victorian boots, try reading a few steampunk books, have a tea party and invite your friends to dress steampunk too! It's a lovely friendly scene, theres nothing to be afraid of!

Miss Emilly Ladybird has over 20 years experience in costuming and is a published author in jewellery design. Her beautiful jewellery can be found on Etsy and at Steampunk Jewellery. You can follow her costuming adventures on her blog and commission your own, one of a kind wedding dress should the fancy take you.

Her how-to jewellery book Steampunk Emporium will be published by Northlight Books later this year.