Sunday, January 30, 2011

Viral Marketing: You're Doing it Right!

I've already mentioned how excited I am about J.J Abrams' new project Super 8 - for various reasons mostly pertaining to a trailer that involves something hella strong trying to bust out of a derailed train from Area 51.

Abram's projects are no strangers to viral marketing - Cloverfield essentially built its success on it! I've never really gotten involved it in before, but I've watched people enthuse about it. My former manager followed The Dark Knight viral campaign from start to finish and it sounded amazing!

For Super 8, the initial trickle of information included some set photos - some of which (the ones I can't seem to find now) showed in store displays for a brand of ice pops called Rocket Poppeteers. A website for this brand was revealed shortly thereafter, encouraging users to register for their Astronaut Programme.

I did so, and got this in the mail shortly before Christmas! (Note: not my real name LOL!)

There is also a 3 digit code on the envelope that needs to be entered - somewhere - on the Rocket Poppeteers website. I have to say - even if I leave off here and don't bother going any further, that's a pretty impressive piece of viral marketing! They've literally been mailed all over the world!

The website has been down for a while but worked for me this morning - you can explore quite a bit but I can't get any further when it comes to using my code. It claims not to recognise my registration - this is either because they haven't launched that part of the site yet, or because I'm somehow doing something wrong!

You can still register - but I'm not sure whether they'll do another mailing! If I ever get to start work on the Twin Teamwork Fleet I will let you know! In the meantime, you can follow Rocket Poppeteers on Twitter or keep up with Scariest Thing I Ever Saw (the main viral website for Super 8) and Super 8 News if you don't want to have to figure it out for yourself ;)

I know they did a big roll out at Comic-Con so if anyone experienced that, please feel free to share!

1 comment:

  1. I registered and everything, nothing through the post although I did have an email just around Christmas time.

    Nothing 'breakable' though in terms of codes or secrets.

    Great stuff :)
