Thursday, August 5, 2010

Linky Goodness!

Rather than overwhelming your Twitter feeds with a random spew of links, I'm going to consolidate into a post! This is what happens when I forget to catch up with blogs for a few days!

Neil Jordan is set to direct Skippy Dies; I absolutely love Neil Jordan and, by all accounts, Skippy Dies is an absolutely incredible novel. Patrick Ness practically took hold of me and shook me while telling me to read it, and it's on the Booker longlist; compelling evidence on both counts!

Bear McCreary scored Step Up 3D?!?!?!!!!! Perhaps I'm just out of the loop; but this was news to me! Exciting though, as I have a not so secret weakness for dance movies... Can't say I saw this one coming! BSG to Step Up 3D? They rhyme a little, but that's where similarities end...

A fantastically well thought out post on the role of women in gaming and whether or not game designers are really catering to the right demographic.

Some amazing Star Wars cupcakes!

Some fantastic steampunk art (including pin ups - my favourite!) from Jessica van Hulle.

I've been getting more mileage out of this than is decent or appropriate, but if you'd like an irreverent and snarky take on the Twilight saga; you need look no further. Be warned; I have spat out whatever I was drinking on several occasions!


  1. Many of these links make me smile, but that Chewbacca one made me squee out loud. Hahaha. Love!

  2. Ooh ooh in between, Bear McCreary also did the soundtrack for the Dark Void video game, which didn't really live up to expectations, but the score is awesome, its like romanticized retro-sci-fi.
