Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wookiee the Chew

One of my favourite things in the world is when someone takes an existing idea and puts a new and creative spin on it. This is why I enjoy alternative/modern versions of traditional fairytales (except when they are made into movies featuring Vanessa Hudgens *shudder*), steampunk, Jeffrey Thomas' Twisted Princess series etc.

Two other things I am insane about are children's books and science fiction.

You can only imagine my joy when geek with curves introduced me to James Hance's Wookiee the Chew drawings. For me, at least half of the joy was in recognising the direct references to the EH Shepard illustrations that I sell every day, and that I grew up with. It's pretty much exactly my brand of geeky!

Nods to classic stories of childhood aside, these are genuinely adorable little drawings and a whole lot of fun whether or not you are familiar with Winnie the Pooh. They'll cheer your day right up! Although I have now gotten myself into an internal debate over what Wookiee the Chew goes for instead of pots of honey... any suggestions?

Prints are available from James' website (where you can also check out his other awesome geek art!) and now there are even t-shirts - one of which I definitely did not spontaneously buy... You can also follow him on Twitter @JimJeroo


  1. He's making a book of them - it makes me so very happy!

  2. Chew eats bobaberries :) I just finished writing the book - it'll be available through the site from Wednesday. Thank so much for such kind words!

    Thank you too, Amy :D
