Monday, August 16, 2010

Professional Geek!

The reason for the tumbleweed blowing around here lately is the fact that last week, as much to my own surprise as anyone else's, the largest comic book publisher in the UK hired me! So, a couple of weeks from now, I will officially start getting paid for being a GEEK!

I'm not going to lie, I never thought being a geek girl would pay off in the financial sense! Professional geekery; bring it ON!

The other high point to this week was that via the wonderful Cari who is visiting from San Francisco, I *finally* obtained a Her Universe Star Wars shirt! I've been lusting after these bad boys since they first hit the rails interwebs, but as they can only be ordered on a card with an American/Canadian billing address I was at a bit of a loss for a while...

Evidence of the geeky joy (please note that I don't usually have a double chin *shame*)

This shirt is a] awesome b] soft and comfy and c] also awesome. The picture might give the impression that it's not well fitted but the truth is that I ordered quite a big size because I have - shall we say - a generous bust, and I didn't want to risk it being too small. On the contrary; these shirts are definitely very well tailored.

My only problem with it is that the writing is almost completely see through, so even if you are wearing a nice bra (actually probably more so if you are) it's quite distracting for passers by. This is easily solved by wearing a white top underneath (as I am doing here) but obviously not always ideal.

Without a doubt, I will be nabbing myself some more Her Universe apparel with my new geek paycheques! Ashley has hit it on the button; comfy, wearable, nicely designed geek girl clothing is exactly what most of us are after! If you live in Europe, either try and find a friendly American like I did, or hang tight til they can handle wordwide orders. If you live in the US/Canada - what the frak are you waiting for???


  1. lol...i ahve missed the geeky ramblings of you...delighted you have found something you are going to love doing

  2. Yay! You look fabulous; that's one of my favorite shirts of theirs.

    I got the hoodie at SWCV this weekend; it is so incredibly cozy. I'm looking forward to fall when I can wear it more.

  3. Looks awesome and you look happy in it. :)

    Also, congrats on finding a job doing what you love. That's wonderful!!!
